Monday, March 29, 2010

Calle colon

So I don´t know how many of you have experienced traveler´s diarrhea, but let me tell you about it. It´s the type of thing that will always remain a mystery - attributable to nothing but everything. Am I reacting to the ridiculous altitude, the greasy food, the stress of travel, or am I just experiencing some cosmic retaliation from Pacha Mama? I may never know, but what I do know is that shared bathrooms at hostels are not my favorite place to experience such discomfort. Bananas. That´s the answer. This old guy at a hostel in Panama once recounted a dream to me. He had dysentery for a few days and was in dire straits. After spending ample time on ¨Calle colon¨ he had a vivid dream that cut through his hazy mental state. He was being attacked by a black panther (the cat) and right as it was about to bite him, it spoke to him - looked him right in the eyes - and whispered, ¨bananas.¨ True story. And so he took it as a sign, went out and bought a gaggle of bananas, and was cured. Happily ever after. Thanks dream panther!

1 comment:

  1. I already know I will denote several of my blog updates to time spent on "calle colon". I will definitely take bananas everywhere I go!
